Making the Connection

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Making the Connection (Make the connection) presents the benefits of a vegan diet in a relaxed and informal way. The eleven vegans show various aspects and benefits of veganism, as part of health and animal suffering free food, among others. The music is courtesy of the artists of hip-hop vegans Promoe and Jah Sun.

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Diseases caused by meat consumption.

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1. Carnivores can degrade almost unlimited amounts of cholesterol and other fats without adverse effects (hypercholesterolemia), however, the herbivores metabolised (chemical reactions within the cells) very limited quantities, which increases blood fats, leading with time atherosclerosis (increased hardness arteries) and arteriosclerosis (accumulation of fat in arteries).

2. The meat-based diet is closely related to the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis and heart disease.

3. In 1961, the Journal of the American Medical Association said: "Between 90% and 97% of heart disease can be prevented with a Vegetarian diet. "Since then, several studies have well organized scientifically proven that after the snuff and alcohol consumption. Meat is a major cause of mortality in Western Europe, the United States, Australia and other influential world regions.

4. Plant proteins may help maintain cholesterol levels low.

5. Persons with hypercholesterolemia (increased blood cholesterol) and suffering from coronary diseases where proteins can benefit come from plants.

6. In obesity is no increase in the number and size of cells fat, it is determined that the heart has to pump more times minute, generating a long-term inability of the heart to continue working normally. (Heart failure).


1. The meat fats are saturated with cholesterol and triglycerides (other fats), which are deposited in the subcutaneous adipose tissue (under the skin) and visceral (organs in a body cavity), it provides a type of so harmful that obesity is directly associated with development potential diabetes, heart attacks, etc..

2. The DEE (dietiletilestrol), when growth hormones, promote generation of fat and prevents weight loss. (A similar effect occurs with contraceptives).

3. These hormones decrease peristaltic movement of the intestine, so the meat stays longer within therefore absorbed more nutrients, including fat is. (Similar effect happens with normal pregnant women).

4. When bound to sedentary overweight, genetic factors, family history, there are great chances of getting diabetes, that, not being diagnosed or treated, causes serious damage to eyes kidney, peripheral nervous system, etc..

5. The skeleton is genetically determined to support some weight, if resistance is exceeded, the joints of the lower limbs and column will begin to suffer and premature osteoarthritis, lumbago, sciatica, herniated discs, etc..

6. Synthetic growth hormones ls very similar to hormones contraceptives are used to weigh down the animal at the time selling as water and fat build. Have also been associated with risk of cancer or premalignant liver disease cardiovascular and thromboembolism, which increases with age and smoking. It adds more episodes of migraine dyslipidemia, etc..

7. Complications from obesity related metabolic point with visceral obesity (abdominal, central, centripetal, android, type block), since in this case are released many substances that make their distance effects. Between the that are released are: AC. fatty no (NEFA), tumor necrosis factor - α (TNF-α), angiotensinogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), enzyme inhibitor proteín lipase (LPL) and transport proteins activating cholesterol esters (CETP). (Wajcchemberg. Endocrine Reviews, 2000). Some of these factors produce tissue resistance to the action of insulin, which is followed by compensatory hyperinsulinemia. This stimulates hyperinsulinemia lipogenesis thereby maintains visceral fat. Hyperinsulinemia also produces sodium reabsorption in the kidneys, which attracts water 12 within the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood pressure, helped turn to the release of angiotensin pressure also increases arterial vasoconstriction. Compensatory hyperinsulinemia given by tissue resistance to insulin decreases with time leading to a hyperglycemia and the reported diabetes mellitus. The NEFA allow increased very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) triglyceride rich (TG) from the liver, due to low activity of the TG LPL you exchange of cholesterol esters. This determines hypertriglyceridemia, defradacion HDL (High Density lipoprot.) and increased low density lipoprotein (LDL).


1. There is a direct relationship between eating meat and colon cancer, either by the amount of fat or low fiber. This slows the intestinal transit, allowing toxic substances from putrefaction meat are longer in contact with the colonic mucosa.

2. The meat digested in the intestine are produced steroid substances which are carcinogenic.

3. People living in areas where there is a high incidence of carcinoma of the colon, breast, uterus and rectum, tend to base their nutrition in protein and animal fat (The Lancet).

4. Of 25 countries that are major consumers of meat, 19 had a high level of cancer, and 35 countries with low or no consumption of any meat had a high level of cancer.

5. Nitrosamines are compounds found in beer, tea, snuff, etc.. which contact the chemical preservatives meat become one of the most potent carcinogens known.

6. Diets high in fat you stimulate estrogen production in estradiol particular, high levels of which are associated with breast cancer.

7. A recent study showed an association between the consumption of dairy and increased risk of ovarian cancer digesting process lactose (milk sugar) to turn it into galactose evidently damage to the ovary (Cramer DW, Harlow BL, Willett WC. Galactose consumption and metabolism in relation to the risk of ovarian cancer. Lancet 1989; 2:66 -71).

8. Research over the past twenty years aptly suggest a link between eating meat and colon cancer, rectum, breast and uterus. These cancers are rare among those who eat little or no meat, as Adventists day, the Japanese, Indians, etc.., but prevalent among populations "meat eaters". Another article in "The Lancet" reported: "People who live in areas where there is a high frequency of colon carcinoma tend to live on diets containing large amounts of fat and animal protein, while those who live in areas where is a low rate of the disease, diets fed vegetarian and low-fat animal products. "

9. Rollo Russell, in his "Notes on the causes of cancer," says: "I found that twenty-five countries that consume a lot of meat, nineteen had a high cancer rate and only one, a low rate, and 13 thirty-five nations eating little or no meat, all had a low rate ".

10. Además have chemical addition to meat. As soon as you slaughter an animal, its flesh begins to rot, after a few days, turns a sickly gray-green. The industry disguises this adding fading nitrites, nitrates and other preservatives to give the meat a bright red color. But now research has shown that many of these preservatives are carcinogenic, and which compounding the problem is the amount of chemicals used in the livestock feed.

11. Gary and Steven Null, in his book "Poisons in your body", show us something does anyone think twice before buying another steak or Ham: "The animals are kept alive and fat by continuously administration of tranquilizers, hormones, antibiotics and other types 2.700 drug. This fattening process starts even before birth and continues after death. Although these drugs are present in the the meat when you eat, the law requires that they appear in the control quality for the consumer. "Because of findings like this, The National Academy of Sciences reported in 1983 that "people would able to prevent many common cancers by eating less meat and more vegetables and grains. "

12. The American Dietetic Association says that "Most of the humanity for most of history have lived with diets vegetarian or near-vegetarian ", and much of the world still lives in this way. In most industrialized countries, the passion for meat not more than one hundred years. It started with the refrigerator truck and society twentieth century consumer. But even in the twentieth century, the body of Man has not adapted to eating meat. The prominent Swedish scientist Karl von Linne states, "Man's structure, external and internal, compared to the other animals shows that fruits and vegetables succulent constitute his natural food."

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Meat Digestion

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1. Hydrochloric acid stomach carnivore is 20 times more concentrated than herbivores. By allowing carnivores destroy large chunks of meat swallowed.

2. Herbivores have in your jaw lateral motion (diducción) allowing them to grind food in their molars. This movement not carnivorous animals possess.

3. The saliva of herbivores have lots of ptyalin (an enzyme degrades carbohydrates) ideal start oral digestion starch plant foods, however, has not carnivores ptyalin in their saliva because they should not eat starch (carbohydrate).

4. Herbivores have molars and canines, however, carnivores have fangs for tearing flesh and modified molars serve to cut pieces of meat and swallow them whole.

5. The meat is just a piece of corpse rotting due to bacteria and oxygen which exists in the intestine and make substances rapidly toxic, therefore, meat should be removed at the earliest possible.

6. Herbivores have a digestive tract that is 12 times the length of body instead carnivores have a length of 3 times the length the body, to remove as quickly as possible so toxic that food when it breaks.

7. Meat intake in herbivores, forces the stomach to increase amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This hyperchlorhydria not allow food to pass from the stomach to the duodenum (which is added to the bolus Food bile and pancreatic digestive juices) and when it passes stomach begins to make strong contractions, causing pain colic (Pawlow) and eventually the stomach dilates (gastrectasia) bringing food accumulation with abnormal fermentations, fast putrefaction and change in the gastric mucosa can lead to ulcer gastric.

8. For the proper functioning of the large intestine, requires the feeds gradient has a slightly acidic pH. In carnivorous feeding by Bacterial fermentation release large amounts of ammonia and base various (which alcalinizan middle), however the fermentation of plant foods releases various acids: carbonic, acetic, lactic, butyric, etc.

9. Once the food absorbed in small intestine into the blood and then to the liver where it is detoxified, but as the meat is heavily loaded of toxins (eg purines, ptomaine, cadaverinas, etc.), the liver can not completely cleaned and uric acid (degradation of AC.Nucleic) from the diet into the blood, resulting acidosis l encouraging joint problems (gout), and to excite the heart, veins and arteries causing arteriosclerosis (Serrallach) and nervous system.
10. The people who eat meat in moderation (3v/wk.) Make their kidneys work (filtration) 3 times. With time and with the overexertion significantly impairs its function, leading to cases ends to kidney failure.

11. Normally by muscular work and repairs are eliminated by normal metabolism significant amounts of waste products 10 as urea, lactic acid, creatinine, among others, which should be eliminated by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion into the urine. When the person eats meat must necessarily delet their own waste products from your muscles for meat intake. Taking too much work in the function of the kidneys.

12.The animal fats lead to a reduction in B cell levels and T, causing immunosuppression. (lower immunity), predisposing suffering from infectious diseases more difficult clinical management.

13. A diet rich in phosphorous, such as the meat, preventing the absorbed required amounts of calcium into the blood, which prevents there equilibrium concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium blood. This causes not properly stabilize membranes cell, leading to nervous level following: a depression, nervousness, stress, fatigue, on the heart: irregularity in the regulation heart beat and blood pressure. In the bone: more likely mineralization alterations as osteoporosis etc..

14. The protein diet leads to acidify the urine, which results to be reabsorb calcium into the urine by the nephron tubules. calcium necessary for the proper functioning of many chemical processes within the cell and outside it.

15. By the great pain of sacrifice that generates the decapitation of the animal, releases large amounts of ADRENALINE, neurotransmitter in people healthy leads among many things: hypertension, increased heart rate and breathing, liver releases glucose (diabetes), increased secretion of hydrochloric acid (gastritis), excites system central nervous so the person feels more nervous, restless, with insomnia, more prone to stress, etc..

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Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health

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Forks Over Knives - The Cookbook 

What if one simple change could save you from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer? For decades, that question has fascinated a small circle of impassioned doctors and researchers—and now, their life-changing research is making headlines in the hit documentary Forks Over Knives. Their answer? Eat a whole-foods, plant-based diet—it could save your life.

It may overturn most of the diet advice you’ve heard—but the experts behind Forks Over Knives aren't afraid to make waves. In his book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn explained that eating meat, dairy, and oils injures the lining of our blood vessels, causing heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. In The China Study, Dr. Colin Campbell revealed how cancer and other diseases skyrocket when eating meat and dairy is the norm—and plummet when a traditional plant-based diet persists. And more and more experts are adding their voices to the cause: There is nothing else you can do for your health that can match the benefits of a plant-based diet.

Now, as Forks Over Knives is introducing more people than ever before to the plant-based way to health, this accessible guide provides the information you need to adopt and maintain a plant-based diet. Features include:

Insights from the luminaries behind the film—Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. John McDougall, The Engine 2 Diet author Rip Esselstyn, and many others.

Success stories from converts to plant-based eating—like San’Dera Prude, who no longer needs to medicate her diabetes, has lost weight, and feels great! The many benefits of a whole-foods, plant-based diet—for you, for animals and the environment, and for our future A helpful primer on crafting a healthy diet rich in unprocessed fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, including tips on transitioning and essential kitchen tools.

125 recipes from 25 champions of plant-based dining—from Blueberry Oat Breakfast Muffins and Sunny Orange Yam Bisque to Garlic Rosemary Polenta and Raspberry-Pear Crisp—delicious, healthy, and for every meal, every day.

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Food and Climate Change

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Factory farming is the main cause of environmental degradation. A global transition to a vegen diet is the most efficient solution.

According to the article by two World Bank environmental advisers in the publication of November / December 2009 issue of “World Clock " , the livestock sector is responsible for at least 51 % of GHGS . In 2006 a report by the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) entitled “Livestock’s Long Shadow", said agricultural production for animals is responsible for more GHGS ( CO2 equivalents ) than all cars , airplanes, ships and other means of transportation around the world together .

The situation bodes even worse , if current trends continue , global meat production will double by 2050 , with the associated increase in GHGS and denial of the effects of many positive changes , which would make it very difficult, if not impossible , GHGS achieve reductions that climate experts believe essential to avoid the worst effects of climate change .

Factory farming has resulted in too large livestock population. In sum, the 5 species used for human consumption the population tripled. There is 1 cow for every 5 people , 1 sheep for every 6 people , 1 pig for every 7 people, 1 goat for every 8 persons and 2.5 chicks per each person. To feed all those animals will require massive amounts of cereals, grains, seeds and grasses. Cropland become insufficient and this is how the livestock industry uses deforestation of jungles and forests, generating millions of tons of CO2.

The digestive process of the more than 1,000 million cows generates 37 % of all human -induced methane, this gas is 23 times more potent than CO2. Cow feces contain high amounts of nitrous oxide, a gas 296 times more potent than CO2, and urine and feces 17,000 million chickens generate 64 % of ammonia -induced human, a chemical element that causes the rain acidic.

What's more, carry and keep refrigerated the hundreds of tons of meat, milk and eggs produced each year, involves a huge expenditure of fossil fuels and electricity.

Factory farming is responsible for 90 % of deforestation in the Amazon, the main lung of the world. This is due to the extension of pasture and forage crops to feed a growing population of cattle. Information provided by the National Forestry Commission through the inquiry system, says that 60 % of deforestation in Mexico is due to changes in land use livestock purposes.

This adversely affects the balance of ecosystems; 15 of 24 ecosystems that provide important ecosystem services are in decline, and an analysis of the Red List of Threatened Species prestigious World Conservation Union (IUCN) shows that most endangered species in the world are subject to loss of habitat due to livestock.

Livestock is probably the main cause of water pollution because of all wastes discharged into rivers, lakes and oceans, as feces, hormones, antibiotics, fertilizers, pesticides, chemicals used in tanneries, etc. According to the National Water Commission, the livestock sector accounts for 50 % of water use in Mexico, when the household occupies only 14% and production of vegetables to feed 20% human.

In all, livestock production is for 70% of agricultural land and 30% of the Earth's land area. While 30% of the human population in the world suffer from hunger or malnutrition, livestock occupies half of the production of grains and cereals worldwide, and wasting natural resources such as gas, water or soil.

To produce a kilo of beef requires seven kilos of cereal, but if this cereal should be allocated directly to the human could end with starvation and malnutrition worldwide.

The livestock industry and economic interests are as important as the taste of the people for eating meat, milk and eggs. These are the probable causes why many leaders are afraid to address the issue as its magnitude requires.

Nevertheless, the UN considers that the main solution to environmental problems is to reduce the livestock population. To achieve this it is essential that society leads towards a diet free of animal products, or at least reduce your intake of them. The vegan diet is the main ecological solution and has great benefits for human health and respect for animals.

Wait for world leaders to save us from environmental catastrophe will remain just in waiting. Time to take a proactive stance and take actions that benefit nature. Both the health of the planet as their own, begin at the table.

Source: Hazte Vegetariano

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U.S. Navy admits training exercises will kill hundreds of whales and dolphins

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Over the next five years, the U.S. Navy will conduct a series of training exercises in coastal waters throughout the country -- and though these are merely 'war games' to improve military readiness in the event of a real conflict, the projected casualties are nevertheless staggeringly high.

The Navy Times reports that training with live munitions is scheduled to take place from 2014 to 2019 in the waters off of the East Coast, Southern California, Hawaii, and in the Gulf of Mexico. During that period, the Navy estimates that a significant impact on marine life will result from these exercises, primarily from the use of underwater explosives and sonar.

An environmental impact report was released late last week, summarized here by the Associated Press:

According to the reports, computer models show training and testing may kill 186 whales and dolphins off the East Coast and 155 off Hawaii and Southern California.

Off the East Coast, there could be 11,267 serious injuries and 1.89 million minor injuries such as temporary hearing loss. The reports also said the testing and training might cause marine mammals to change their behavior — such as swimming in a different direction — in 20 million instances.

Off Hawaii and Southern California, the reports said the naval activities may cause 2,039 serious injuries, 1.86 million temporary injuries and 7.7 million instances of behavioral change.

Navy director of energy and environmental readiness, Rear Adm. Kevin Slates, told reporters that, despite the deaths and injuries expected to be inflicted upon marine life, such exercises are a necessary part of naval training:

"Without this realistic testing and training, our sailors can't develop or maintain the critical skills they need or ensure the new technologies can be operated effectively."

This isn't the first time Navy training operations have been associated with loss of marine life. In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court lifted restrictions on the Navy's use of sonar, despite it being associated with beachings, hearing loss, and disorientation in dolphins, whales, and seals. In their ruling, the Court said that Navy activities were more important than marine health.

Deaths from bombings have been less documented, though biologists have noted that beached carcasses occasionally bear signs of underwater explosions. Ken Balcomb, from the Center for Whale Research in Washington, says that even protected waters, home to endangered species, are regularly bombed:

“There’s been a number of whales over the past years that have washed ashore with what’s usually described as blunt-force trauma. Many of them—and I’ve seen four myself—are consistent with a blast-type trauma of this nature.”

Source: TreeHugger

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Shocking UK circus industry! (Video)

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Animal Defenders International has released shocking footage from behind the scenes at the winter quarters of Bobby Roberts Super Circus, which graphically shows violence and confinement of circus animals.

ADI secured footage over a three and a half week period from a camera observing activity in a barn where the animals are kept when not touring, which shows a staggeringly high level of violence and serious animal husbandry flaws. Incidents included Annie (Anne), an elderly, severely arthritic 57 year old elephant being hit with a metal pitchfork and kicked around the face and body 48 times over the period of observation by workers, who are also seen beating and spitting on a camel and beating miniature ponies and horses on numerous occasions.

The disturbing footage also shows Annie constantly chained for the entire period of filming by her front and arthritic back leg with only enough room to take one step forward or backwards. Her chains were only changed to different legs twice, ADI believes this will clearly cause her pain and discomfort. It was noted that the feeding regime was poor.

What makes this case all the more disturbing is that the circus proprietor Bobby Roberts, who has claimed publicly to take good care of Annie as ‘she is a family pet’ and ‘part of the family’, is clearly captured on camera kicking Annie on the trunk, an extremely sensitive part of an elephant’s anatomy, and this is done in front of a worker.

As government prepares to make an announcement within the next few weeks regarding the fate of animal circuses in the UK and makes the decision to implement a total ban or self-regulation, Animal Defenders International believes that this new evidence provides them with only one option – a total ban on the use of wild animals in circuses.

Jan Creamer, ADI’s Chief Executive said: “Annie’s tragic story symbolizes the plight of circus animals and is a shocking indictment of the circus industry at a key time as government considers a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses. We have presented successive governments with extensive evidence from our undercover investigations over the years into UK circuses that proves conclusively that routine violence and deprivation is endemic within the industry.

“To Lord Henley, the Minister responsible, we say enough is enough. It is now time for him to act decisively to stop this appalling suffering. It is time for him to enact a total ban once and for all.”

Government’s own public consultation in March 2010 found that an overwhelming 94.5% of the public want to see a ban on wild animals in circuses and over 170 MPs have now signed Early Day Motion 403 calling on the Government to ban wild animal acts. A recent parliamentary poll conducted by ADI found that 63% of MPs would like to see a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses and only 14% disagreed.

ADI has now exposed the shocking abuse of animals in UK circuses from several random undercover investigations over the last fifteen years. Only recently, in 2009, the beating of elephants at the Great British Circus was exposed and now in 2011 Bobby Roberts Super Circus shows that this is a way of life at the circus. A clear pattern has been proven and this time the government needs to act.

Tim Phillips, ADI’s Campaigns Director said: “The release of this footage stops any attempt by UK government to ignore the will of the public. It is clear that self-regulation is not an option in this industry.

“Once again, we have exposed that cruelty and deprivation is rife within the circus industry. We have also established that self-regulation is not a viable option as the government would be asking circuses like Bobby Roberts or the Great British Circus to regulate themselves. That would be a farce, and the animals will continue to suffer abuse."

And to the circus industry, ADI says enough is enough.

Jan said: “I have no doubt that it will be claimed that this is an ‘exception’ and/or that the owner was not aware of the abuse, but the evidence is now conclusive. Each time we expose the cruelty, the circuses give a similar range of excuses.

“ADI has been concerned for Annie’s welfare for many years and have followed her tragic plight. Poor Annie has been with the circus for over 50 years since she was baby, having been caught in the wild and torn from her family. Elephants are social and extremely intelligent so this has been a living hell for her. At last we have managed to expose this circus operation for the cruel farce that it is and never again can Roberts preach about animal welfare and how well his animals are cared for.”

Tim concluded: “Our latest investigation shows how animals like elephants suffer in the travelling circus. In the name of entertainment they are beaten, jabbed with hooks and hit with pitchforks, chained up for hours every day, and pushed into metal boxes each week where they remain for hours on end whilst the circus moves to another site. And when they are meant to be resting in their winter quarters the abuse and cruelty continues.

“The public wants to see a ban, Parliament wants a ban, animal protection groups want a ban. A ban is the only way to put an end, once and for all, to this deplorable violence and deprivation, and government must act now.”

The Bobby Roberts Super Circus began its UK tour on the 24 March. Potential visitors are being asked to vote with their feet and stay away.

ADI is consulting with its lawyers to see what the potential is for legal action.

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Bryan Adams

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I became a vegan for my health 20 years ago. I abide by the rule that if it looks like it's going to clog your system, it probably will. People don't understand about me being vegan, but I'm not a preacher, I simply have my view on what works for me. It would be wonderful to convince people without having to say much. For example, I'm very slim due to my diet. When I see men and women my age with their guts hanging over their trousers I wish someone was able to explain the benefits of diet, and that they are likely to be toxic and blocked from the things they've eaten.

I start my day with fruit juice and a mixed fruit salad. Dinner is salads or, if I'm not on a raw-food diet, then pasta or something veggie that's cooked. If I'm in the studio then the food tends to be garbage for the most part, unless you're lucky enough to have it catered in. I have been known to bring avocados to the set with lemons. When I lived in France we got a local fella to come and prepare vegetarian food which was the best - he still works for us on tour today. We bring a juicer, so my rider is just fruit and veggies and some nuts and dried fruits. An army doesn't march on an empty stomach.

It can still be hard to get vegetarian food in restaurants. I ate at the Ivy recently and was given a tomato sauce with beans that had pork in it. This was after I had asked the waiter if the soup contained chicken stock. People have tried to serve me food that has meat in it dozens of times, but I stick to salads if I see that coming. There have been restaurants that have insisted their soups are vegetarian, when I can smell the meat stock. When I'm travelling, whether you can find vegetarian or vegan food depends on where you are: in some places it's incredibly easy, India being the easiest, Spain the hardest. They've never heard of vegetarians there.

I don't really drink alcohol unless it's my birthday, when I've resorted to having a tequlia shot or someone has opened a great bottle of wine. I really like virgin mojitos. When I come offstage, I'll drink green or herbal tea. My favorite salads are raw artichoke hearts with chives, lemon and olive oil; rocket salads with cherry tomatoes and thinly sliced fennel; and grated raw broccoli with a light dressing of soy sauce, lemon and olive oil.

I live by myself in London. I love to cook and entertain friends and family. My signature dishes are definitely salads but I do tend to get good ideas from restaurants - the Lebanese Maroush in London or Quintessence in New York where they serve raw, organic vegan food. I ate recently in New Orleans and the chef kept sending things over we hadn't ordered. That's a kind of creativity I could never do so spontaneously - I'd need a cookery book.

Another example of the unprocessed foods that dominate Bryan's diet. I believe the merits of veganism are somewhat overstated. But, generally, Bryan's diet is very healthy.

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat, which has a variety of heart-healthy properties. They also offer up a decent portion of protein, especially for a fruit, which helps sate the appetite.

The main constituent of pasta is refined flour, a nutritional non-starter. And let's not forget that flour and water make glue - hardly ideal for someone keen not to clog his system.

Dried fruit and nuts
Nuts will provide protein which can be deficient in the vegan diet. They are also rich in monounsaturated fat and other nutrients beneficial to the cardiovascular system. Dried fruit is also relatively healthy - not just for vegan rock stars, but other mortals too.

Raw artichoke hearts
Artichoke, like green tea, is rich in polyphenols - something that we hope might translate into some real benefits for Bryan's long-term health.

Green tea
Green tea is rich in polyphenols that have been linked with a range of potential benefits for health including relative protection from cancer and a metabolism-boosting effect.

If Bryan was downing shedloads of drink on a daily basis there might be something to say here. However, seeing as he is nearly teetotal, I'm going to suggest he enjoys his occasional tipple.

· Bryan Adams is a supporter of PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Source: The Guardian

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Interview with Noel Polanco: Vegan Fitness Athlete

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Noel Polanco Is a vegan fitness athlete & print model from New York City. Growing up as a chubby kid in Washington Heights, Noel lost weight through jumping rope. Little Noel was an animal lover so he soon adapted to a vegetarian diet and later went completely vegan. Now he is a vegan health and fitness advocate, defender of animal rights and protector of women who have been victims of domestic violence. Noel focuses on inspiring younger kids who are now affected with diabetes and obesity. He makes inspiring videos to motivate other people into living a healthier lifestyle.

Why Vegan?
I am vegan because I love animals. After seeing so many people suffering with diseases such as diabetes, obesity and cancer, I asked myself if the Standard American Diet (SAD) was in fact so healthy then why are people getting sick? All of these diseases could be prevented though a Vegan diet. As we have now seen, even Bill Clinton went vegan to reverse his own heart disease. I am vegan because I love animals and want to prevent sickness.

How long have you been vegan?
I have been Vegan now for over 3 years. Was mainly vegetarian before.

What has benefited you the most from being a vegan?
I have more energy. I haven't had a cold, or flu. I love it.

What does veganism mean to you?
Veganism to me means living in peace with the animals that share this planet with us. As well as living without causing any harm to our bodies, planet and animals.


What sort of training do you do?
I do all kinds of training from bodyweight exercises, to exercises with a weighted vest. I am always doing different stuff whatever my body feels like doing on the day.

How often do you (need to) train?
I train every day.

Do you offer your fitness or training services to others?
Yes, I offer fitness advice and help people lose weight, and also make inspiring workout videos that you can see on my YouTube channel.

What sports do you play?
I play Basketball, Football, and Track.

Strengths, Weaknesses & Outside Influences

What do you think is the biggest misconception about vegans and how do you address this?
Biggest misconception about vegans is that vegans are weak. When they see me workout, I prove them wrong.

What are you strengths as a vegan athlete?
My strengths as a vegan athlete are that I have mastered my own bodyweight. I can do Human Flags, one arm pull ups, one arm pushups, one legged squats. Basically, every difficult exercise with your own bodyweight I am able to do. I still train hard every day because you can always find harder stuff and exercises to do.

Are the non-vegans in your industry supportive or not?
Not every non-vegan person is supportive. When people can't do something them self they want to tell you that you can't do it.

Are your family and friends supportive of your vegan lifestyle?
Most of them are, they are open-minded and give it a try. I have inspired and helped more than 20 people become vegan.

What is the most common question/comment that people ask/say when they find out that you are a vegan and how do you respond?
Where do you get your protein? I think every person that is vegan gets asked that same question over and over again. I answer it in a friendly way and tell them the truth about the protein myth. People should be worrying about NOT consuming too much protein to stay healthy.

Who or what motivates you?
It's kind of sad but my motivation is my family, the people around me, and my results. By seeing my family, friends etc. suffering with diseases and being overweight, it motivates me to workout every day, to keep following a vegan diet to not end up like them. My main goal in life is to prevent sickness, and be healthy. I want to inspire the younger kids because I once was chubby and not healthy when I was little. Also, seeing my results, my energy and the way I feel and look. That keeps me motivated.

Food & Supplements
Everyday is not the same I don't eat the same thing over and over again. I wrote down what I ate today.
What do you eat for:

Breakfast: quinoa With tofu and 1 cup of vanilla soy milk
Lunch: Ezekiel cereal with chia seeds and raw oats
Dinner: brown rice and beans, raw cucumbers, tomatoes and hummus.
Snacks (healthy & not-so healthy) Clif bars, Larabars, any fruits, any nuts or seeds, raisins, and fruit smoothies.

What is your favourite source of:
Protein: Quinoa
Calcium: Broccoli          
Iron: Broccoli         

What foods give you the most energy?
Fruit Smoothies

Do you take any supplements?
I don't take any supplements. I believe don't believe in artificial or powder stuff. I get all my nutrients from the food that grows on the planet.


What is your top tip for:

Gaining muscle: My tip for gaining muscle would be TRAIN HARD. When you feel you don't want to train, that’s the day that you need to train the most. Get enough sleep and just train every day. Make training a daily routine in your lifestyle. Don't rush into getting big muscles just train to be healthy and fit. Then when you look at yourself after 5 years you will be like: WOW hard work pays off. Never rush into trying to get results. Have fun when working out and train every day. Don't follow the rules in magazines etc.

Losing weight: My tip for losing weight is that if you own or use a treadmill throw it out the window. Go outside and run or walk. That’s how you lose weight. Stop focusing on using all these machines and fake equipment. Run, Sprint, Walk or climb up and down the stairs. Eat non-processed food, more fruits and veggies. Also following a plant-based diet will help you lose weight.

Maintaining weight: My tip for maintaining weight would be to eat enough calories. Never starve, and don't be afraid of consuming avocados, nuts, and coconut milk.

Improving metabolism: My tip for improving your metabolism would be simple: Just eat more fruit.

Toning up: My tip for toning up would be to exercise EVERYDAY.

How do you promote veganism in your daily life?

I promote veganism everyday either in person or online via websites and social networks. I also make videos where I talk about the benefits of a vegan diet, and show people how to exercise like I do. I also share disturbing images of what the meat is like before it get to your plate.

Source: Viva La Vegan

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Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, CBE (born 2 October 1951), better known by the stage name Sting is an English musician, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, activist, actor and philanthropist. He is best known as the principal songwriter, lead singer and bassist for the rock band The Police before launching a solo career.   

Vegetarian, environmental and altruistic. None of these words seem to have any relation to the word rock star, synonymous with debauchery, excess and lack of seriousness. But Sting, now devotes his free time to have a good time writing in his spare time and attention, especially, their health with treatments that make it look younger.

The English singer Sting sells organic vegetables from their own harvest in a small shop, reported the British newspaper "Express". The 52 year old billionaire artist is present with its products every Thursday at "The Old Forge Farm Shop" in Berwick St. James, near his home in Wilford-cum-Lake. The former The Police, moreover, confesses a lover of all things related to the vegetarian lifestyle, yoga and meditation.

Beans, tomatoes and garlic harvest are offered by a small truck. "It's fresh and healthy food from the garden of Sting. Cannot buy anything better," explains store owner Elizabeth Crossley. Sting, whose real name is Gordon Sumner, house for over ten years organic vegetables and follows the same principles vegetarian Paul McCartney, another millionaire who chose to show food "green."

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Pamela Anderson

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Pamela Denise Anderson (born 1 July 1967) is a Canadian-American actress, model, producer, author, activist, and former showgirl, known for her roles on the television series Home Improvement, Baywatch, and V.I.P.
One of Anderson's campaigns as a member of PETA has been against the use of fur. In 1999, Anderson received the first Linda McCartney Memorial Award for animal rights protectors, in recognition of her campaign. In 2003, Anderson stripped down for PETA's "I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur" advertising campaign.

On 28 June 2006, Anderson posed naked with other protesters on a window display of the Stella McCartney boutique in London, England. It was a PETA gala event before the PETA Humanitarian Awards. Anderson went inside the boutique and said she would take her clothes off if the event raised enough money for PETA, which it did.

She campaigned against Kentucky Fried Chicken. In 2001, Anderson released a letter in support of PETA's campaign against Kentucky Fried Chicken, stating "What KFC does to 750 million chickens each year is not civilized or acceptable." She later made a video about KFC's treatment of chickens.[50] In January 2006, Anderson requested that the Governor of Kentucky remove a bust of Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC, from display but her request was refused even when she offered her own bust in exchange. In February 2006, Anderson decided to boycott the Kentucky Derby because of its support for Kentucky Fried Chicken.

She has also campaigned against seal hunting in Canada. In March 2006, Anderson asked to speak to Prime Minister Stephen Harper about the annual seal hunt but she was refused. In May 2006, she petitioned random individuals on the street for their opinion on the Canadian Seal Hunt. In December 2009, Anderson, photographed in a t-shirt with a drawn picture of a seal pup on it, was featured in a new ad campaign for PETA. She appears next to the headline "Save the Seals" in the ad and urges the public to help end "Canada's annual seal slaughter."

She joined forces with PETA in a campaign for the boycott of fruit-juice maker POM. The "Pom Horrible Campaign" has resulted in the company halting animal tests. In March 2005, Anderson became a spokesperson for MAC Cosmetics’ MAC AIDS Fund, which helped people affected by AIDS and HIV. After becoming the official spokes model, Anderson raised money during events in Toronto, Tokyo, Dublin, and Athens. Anderson became the celebrity spokesperson for the American Liver Foundation, and served as the Grand Marshal of the SOS motorcycle ride fundraiser. She wrote an open letter to President Barack Obama urging the legalization of cannabis.

Anderson became the center of controversy when she posed in a bikini nearly nude for a PETA ad that was banned in Montreal, Canada on grounds that the ad was sexist. Anderson retorted saying, "In a city that is known for its exotic dancing and for being progressive and edgy, how sad that a woman would be banned from using her own body in a political protest over the suffering of cows and chickens. In some parts of the world, women are forced to cover their whole bodies with burqas – is that next? I didn't think that Canada would be so puritanical."

She became a company spokesperson for FrogAds, Inc. in March 2012.

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