Diseases caused by meat consumption.
1. Carnivores can degrade almost unlimited amounts of cholesterol and other fats without adverse effects (hypercholesterolemia), however, the herbivores metabolised (chemical reactions within the cells) very limited quantities, which increases blood fats, leading with time atherosclerosis (increased hardness arteries) and arteriosclerosis (accumulation of fat in arteries).
2. The meat-based diet is closely related to the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis and heart disease.
4. Plant proteins may help maintain cholesterol levels low.
5. Persons with hypercholesterolemia (increased blood cholesterol) and suffering from coronary diseases where proteins can benefit come from plants.
5. Persons with hypercholesterolemia (increased blood cholesterol) and suffering from coronary diseases where proteins can benefit come from plants.
6. In obesity is no increase in the number and size of cells fat, it is determined that the heart has to pump more times minute, generating a long-term inability of the heart to continue working normally. (Heart failure).
1. The meat fats are saturated with cholesterol and triglycerides (other fats), which are deposited in the subcutaneous adipose tissue (under the skin) and visceral (organs in a body cavity), it provides a type of so harmful that obesity is directly associated with development potential diabetes, heart attacks, etc..
2. The DEE (dietiletilestrol), when growth hormones, promote generation of fat and prevents weight loss. (A similar effect occurs with contraceptives).
3. These hormones decrease peristaltic movement of the intestine, so the meat stays longer within therefore absorbed more nutrients, including fat is. (Similar effect happens with normal pregnant women).
4. When bound to sedentary overweight, genetic factors, family history, there are great chances of getting diabetes, that, not being diagnosed or treated, causes serious damage to eyes kidney, peripheral nervous system, etc..
6. Synthetic growth hormones ls very similar to hormones contraceptives are used to weigh down the animal at the time selling as water and fat build. Have also been associated with risk of cancer or premalignant liver disease cardiovascular and thromboembolism, which increases with age and smoking. It adds more episodes of migraine dyslipidemia, etc..
7. Complications from obesity related metabolic point with visceral obesity (abdominal, central, centripetal, android, type block), since in this case are released many substances that make their distance effects. Between the that are released are: AC. fatty no (NEFA), tumor necrosis factor - α (TNF-α), angiotensinogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), enzyme inhibitor proteín lipase (LPL) and transport proteins activating cholesterol esters (CETP). (Wajcchemberg. Endocrine Reviews, 2000). Some of these factors produce tissue resistance to the action of insulin, which is followed by compensatory hyperinsulinemia. This stimulates hyperinsulinemia lipogenesis thereby maintains visceral fat. Hyperinsulinemia also produces sodium reabsorption in the kidneys, which attracts water 12 within the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood pressure, helped turn to the release of angiotensin pressure also increases arterial vasoconstriction. Compensatory hyperinsulinemia given by tissue resistance to insulin decreases with time leading to a hyperglycemia and the reported diabetes mellitus. The NEFA allow increased very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) triglyceride rich (TG) from the liver, due to low activity of the TG LPL you exchange of cholesterol esters. This determines hypertriglyceridemia, defradacion HDL (High Density lipoprot.) and increased low density lipoprotein (LDL).
2. The meat digested in the intestine are produced steroid substances which are carcinogenic.
3. People living in areas where there is a high incidence of carcinoma of the colon, breast, uterus and rectum, tend to base their nutrition in protein and animal fat (The Lancet).
4. Of 25 countries that are major consumers of meat, 19 had a high level of cancer, and 35 countries with low or no consumption of any meat had a high level of cancer.
5. Nitrosamines are compounds found in beer, tea, snuff, etc.. which contact the chemical preservatives meat become one of the most potent carcinogens known.
6. Diets high in fat you stimulate estrogen production in estradiol particular, high levels of which are associated with breast cancer.
7. A recent study showed an association between the consumption of dairy and increased risk of ovarian cancer digesting process lactose (milk sugar) to turn it into galactose evidently damage to the ovary (Cramer DW, Harlow BL, Willett WC. Galactose consumption and metabolism in relation to the risk of ovarian cancer. Lancet 1989; 2:66 -71).
9. Rollo Russell, in his "Notes on the causes of cancer," says: "I found that twenty-five countries that consume a lot of meat, nineteen had a high cancer rate and only one, a low rate, and 13 thirty-five nations eating little or no meat, all had a low rate ".
10. Además have chemical addition to meat. As soon as you slaughter an animal, its flesh begins to rot, after a few days, turns a sickly gray-green. The industry disguises this adding fading nitrites, nitrates and other preservatives to give the meat a bright red color. But now research has shown that many of these preservatives are carcinogenic, and which compounding the problem is the amount of chemicals used in the livestock feed.
11. Gary and Steven Null, in his book "Poisons in your body", show us something does anyone think twice before buying another steak or Ham: "The animals are kept alive and fat by continuously administration of tranquilizers, hormones, antibiotics and other types 2.700 drug. This fattening process starts even before birth and continues after death. Although these drugs are present in the the meat when you eat, the law requires that they appear in the control quality for the consumer. "Because of findings like this, The National Academy of Sciences reported in 1983 that "people would able to prevent many common cancers by eating less meat and more vegetables and grains. "
12. The American Dietetic Association says that "Most of the humanity for most of history have lived with diets vegetarian or near-vegetarian ", and much of the world still lives in this way. In most industrialized countries, the passion for meat not more than one hundred years. It started with the refrigerator truck and society twentieth century consumer. But even in the twentieth century, the body of Man has not adapted to eating meat. The prominent Swedish scientist Karl von Linne states, "Man's structure, external and internal, compared to the other animals shows that fruits and vegetables succulent constitute his natural food."
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