Why vegans do not consume dairy?
The most exploited animal for their milk is the cow, but also exploited the goats and sheeps, camels and so on, to extract milk.
In the wild, a cow can live up to 20 years. Dairy cows intended for industrial production of milk are confined in small spaces where they are enslaved, until at age four die of exhaustion and then are sent to the slaughterhouse.
Mammals produce milk because have given birth
Some people believe that cows always produce milk because that's normal for them, but this is not true. The mammary glands of cows, as with the mammary glands of women, only produce milk when they have given birth. To make this clear we ask via email to Antonio Callejo Ramos, professor of the Disc. Animal Production E.U.I.T. Agricultural (UPM):
Q: Good morning, I'm not your college student, I would just like to ask you if I may, perhaps consider silly but I would greatly appreciate you furnish any information on the subject as I am quite confused. A cow produces milk or whenever it is necessary to generate it provided it has been fertilized? Thank you.
A: To a female mammalian milk there must be been impregnated, has completed gestation and therefore calved. The difference between species is that some of them have struggled to emerge again into heat and become pregnant for the duration of lactation. Others, however, like the cow, can go into heat a few weeks after delivery and, if you become pregnant, lactation match result of previous birth with gestation of a new calf. I hope I have resolved your doubts.
Separation of mother and child
As calves are not beneficial for the dairy industry, because they drink cow's milk, are separated from their mother, and sold to be killed for their meat. As mammals, cows have a very strong maternal instinct, and therefore suffer greatly when they are separated from their children, being able to hear their cries for days. There have been cases of cows that have been just amazing acts to join their calves, one of which she walked for seven miles to be reunited with her son after it was sold at auction. The suffering that this separation causes the breeding is hardly imaginable.
The following video shows the reunion between a cow and her son. We can see how the cows love their children, and trauma that separation occurs both because of those who sell and buy dairy products and beef. Karma (video cow) is in a farm sanctuary. Apparently she had been crying all night after being rescued, and rescuers were helpless without knowing it was what was wrong. Later, they discovered what was happening and decided to go to the rescue of the son of Karma.
Calves that are brought to the slaughterhouse
The cows calve calves exploited for their milk, are killed at 6 months of age at slaughter and their bodies are called "beef." Other calves, which are exploited for meat called "vellum" or "babybeef", are even worse fate. The industry beef is a branch of the dairy industry and explains Peter Singer:
"As we have seen, industry beef is a branch of the dairy industry. Producers must ensure that dairy cows remain pregnant each year to keep producing milk. Calves are separated from their mothers at birth, one experience that is so painful for the mother and is terrifying for the calf.'s mother calm his anxiety often constantly calling and mooing for days after you have taken to breeding. Some calves will be reared on dairy substitutes to eventually become part of the rows of dairy cows when after reaching the age of about two years to produce milk. Others calves will be sold with one or two weeks old and will be bred to "steak" in engordaderos. the remainder are sold to beef producers , those with the dairy industry to the diet that is fed to these calves to keep them anemic ". Peter Singer, Animal Liberation
Mothers who are taken to slaughter
The cows' milk "are killed when their milk production levels fall (and again this occurs both in intensive farming as traditional). A farmer or a company not interested in having a cow that does not produce enough (to cows whose milk production has dropped are called "dry cows"), as the reason that was raised was the ability to give milk . The interests of any animal inconsiderate always exploited in the interests of anyone who exploits, so we can not talk seriously about which animals are respected until the day that these are no longer servants to humans can get them a benefit.
Cows can live twenty years instead on factory farms typically live about four years because when they stop producing enough milk no longer profitable and then they are sent to slaughter. Sometimes the cows arrive at the slaughterhouse pregnant and then the following happens:
Some research
In July 2012, the animal rights organization presented the research "Orphans of milk: the dairy industry in Chile" showing animal exploitation of the dairy industry in Chile, but it could be elsewhere. They toured farms small and medium producers to the most modern campus in South America, to show the horror of which are systematically subject those involved in dairy production. A life of constant deprivation, subjugation, maternity and children caught truncated nobody should ignore. Isabel Collao, of EligeVeganismo, was interviewed on CNN Chile regarding the investigation.
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The milk of a mother is to her child, respect them. |